What's red and not there? No tomatoes.
This is actually my friend Aubrey's favorite joke. I still don't really get it but it's fitting here.
I can't eat raw tomatoes. This might not seem like that big of a deal but let me tell you that a bacon and lettuce sandwich is not tasty. Either are salads, omelettes, salsas and anything else those little sweet fruits make better. Tomatoes are a huge casualty for me but there are a slew of things on my do not eat list. Real bummer. I basically eat like a pregnant lady.
No cold cuts but this should really be a better living way of life. People, lunch meat is terrible for you. Even the low sodium, organic blah blah blah. Just don't eat it. Too many things in it that shouldn't be. If it comes in a shape that isn't natural just don't put it in your mouth.
No raw seafood, patés, soft unpasteurized cheeses, runny egg yolks, or undercooked anything. Basically, if it has any life in it cook it longer.
No cracked black pepper. This one really confuses me. I can't find any research on it but my Oncologist, who is the head of Oncology at Northwestern, lectured me for a good 5 minutes on no cracked black pepper. Anyone out there that can explain it?
*fun fact: it's really fun being out to dinner and when they as you about dietary restrictions I say pregnancy diet, just to keep it simple. Then I order a cocktail. I should have a faces of concussion instagram for this alone.