Jacqueline Howard

Angels Are Everywhere.

Jacqueline Howard
Angels Are Everywhere.

I recently signed up to be an Imerman Angel. If you're not familiar with this organization please get familiar (http://imermanangels.org). This is a truly amazing organization that links cancer patients with cancer survivors. One-on-one support. IA is truly a blessing because there's nothing worse than the fear of the unknown.

When I was first diagnosed I had no idea what was to come, how I would feel etc... Being a young athletic female I knew no one in my demographic who had gone through this. I was in the dark. IA set me up with a young lymphoma survivor who started answering a lot of my unknowns. I also have the luxury of being friends with the founder of IA, Jonny Imerman, who also gave me all the ins-and-outs on chemo. Without this insight this journey would have been a lot scarier to say the least. I have been doing amazing during this battle but I'm not coming out completely unscathed. I do have some "hiccups". Imerman Angels provided an outlet to me for asking the questions like, "is this weird", "should I be concerned", "when does this go away", without having to bug my doc every other day. Again, I am truly grateful that Jonny saw that this was a useful resource. I can't wait to mentor my first angel and help them on their path to recovery!