Jacqueline Howard

Oh Hair. Where Art Thou?

Jacqueline Howard
Oh Hair. Where Art Thou?

Man, am I bald.

I've had some short haircuts but this really takes the cake. However, I've got to say, I don't really hate it. When I first found out this aggressive chemo treatment would make me lose my hair I freaked. Sobbed in the docs office. Sobbed at home. I was beside myself. So when the day finally for it to fall out who knew I would end up in laughter. 

It was such a surreal moment. At this point I was already 2 chemo treatments in and I had been the exception to the rule up to that point why wouldn't I just break all the rules. I went to the gym in the morning with my own long ponytail. I came home to shower a few hours later and it literally came out in clumps in my hand. I had been paying attention for weeks to see if more hair was brushing out but nope, nada. This particular Tuesday the follicles decided to give up. What didn't come out in my hands ended up in the largest dreadlock you've ever seen. It was just dead, spaghetti like hair. I immediately texted my girlfriends and their suggestion to me was to get creative with scissors. Sounded like a great plan. A cute bob was step one. The next day I went to my mother, who's a hairdresser, and she cut me the cutest faux hawk. Unfortunately it only lasted 3 days. My hair was falling out so fast that it was all over my pillow at night and getting in my mouth and eyes. Friday I went G.I. Jane on that ish. It felt liberating. 

Being that my mom is a hairdresser I had already gone in for a wig fitting. It was a really good one too. Looked just like my long ombre locks. It also came with a hefty price tag. I was all about it until the actual fall out day. I called up, got my deposit back and never looked back. I'm clearly very open about this journey I'm on. I'm not embarrassed to have cancer. It's unfortunate but it is what it is. I'm not going to hide behind a wig. I also got lucky with a really great shaped head and ears that don't stick out. Phew!

All I need these days is red lips and hoop earrings. Yeah buddy.